The initiative question as it will appear on the A.S.U.C ballot April 5-7, 2011:

UC Berkeley currently has a goal to reach 75% waste diversion by 2012 and zero-waste by 2020. Barring emergency situations, do you support the respectful request for (1) the renegotiation of any existing campus contracts to phase out the purchase, sale, and distribution of bottled water, and (2) for increased campus access to public water including hydration stations and better maintenance of drinking fountains, in order to aid the realization of the aforementioned waste-reduction goals?"

A Democratic Vote to End the Sale of Plastic Water Bottles!

Step 1: Get 1000 signatures on the initiative petition to ask the student body to vote on this important topic:  "UC Berkeley currently has a goal to reach 75% waste diversion by 2012 and zero-waste by 2020.  Do you support the respectful request for all UC Berkeley academic and administrative departments to renegotiate any existing beverage contracts to exclude the purchase, sale, and distribution of bottled water and maintain this standard for any future contracts in order to aid the realization of the aforementioned waste-reduction goals?"
Step 2: Massive outreach and educational campaign to inform students on the adverse health, environmental, and human right's issue associated with water bottles
Step 3: April 4-6 is the A.S.U.C election. An affirmative vote of the Student Body will not immediately end the sale of water bottles, but will signify that the Student Body demands change.

Why End the Sale of Plastic Water Bottles on Campus Now?

In 2009, UC Berkeley set down a bold goal reduce carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2014, and achieve zero-waste by 2020. We are a community of Cal students that want to see these goals become a reality, and know that giant leaps forward will be necessary to achieve these goals. In the Sustainability Plan signed by Chancellor Birgeneau it says, "UC Berkeley recognizes the need to analyze and evaluate purchasing decisions based on full lifecycle costing or “cradle to cradle” supply chain management." Plastic water bottles are an unsustainable practice that must end quickly if the campus, and the world, is to achieve the urgent goal of a sustainable future. Below is an outline of the campus' sustainability plan. 
Screen Shot of the UC Berkeley Office of Sustainability, 2009 Campus Sustainability Plan signed by Chancellor Birgeneau: